A family full of potential

here is their gofundme link:



This family includes two future doctors, a future programmer, and so much more. We don't even know what the youngest kids want to be! Seeing the academic success of Nesma and Shahad, I beleive it is likely that they will all become smart and successful people. Not to mention how Shahad had helped stop the bleeding from mohammed's injury in such terrible conditions.


Nesma Nesma is a student studying information technology in the Islamic University of Gaza, She was extremely close to graduating and settling down with her 12 family members, their cat Lucy and their sweet bird koko.

Her sister Shahad recently got a wonderful grade in her first year studying pharmacuticle stuff at Al Azhar University. They weren't only celebrating Shahad's academic achievements but also her sister Farah who they hoped would get good enough grades to join medical school.

The twin brothers of her family, Mohammad and Ahmed are 15 years old and have completely different personalities. One excelled in swimming and one is great at video games and programming.

Not to mention the other wondeful kids in her family, 13 year old Abdullah and 11 year old Taleen. Dina's two kids, 6 year old Nour and 5 year old Omar.

Their family is large, warm, loving. When Israel decided to start going full force in genociding Gaza, they suffered from several types of physical and psychological exhaustion and starvation. Not to mention her brother Mohammed was injured while they were trapped in their house.

Their attempts to stop the bleeding lasted for 6 hours where his pained and exhausted screaming did not cease. Drones killed anyone leaving their homes and tanks surrounded their neighbourhood, airstrikes filled the house with sharpnel due to the bombing of houses nearby, which took away their ability to see anything and caused difficulty breathing. Shahad, being the medical student of the family worked hard to stop Mohammed's bleeding despite the severeity and difficulty.

The occupation starved them and deprieved them of water, which ended up forcing them to leave what remained of their home and flee to southern Gaza with nothing but the clothes on their backs. they had to walk despite Mohammad's injury, diespite her 55 year old father suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems which they did not have the medication and medical care to treat.

They walked till they reached rafah, which they thought would be a safe haven for them. The reality was that, they still weren't safe. things got worse when her father was injured during the bombing, then arrested in Khan Yunis where he was tortured, abused and starved until he reached a state where he was unable to move. All remaining medications for him ran out.


collage of beautiful images of Nesma's family